Sunday 27 November 2016

奶油豆核桃包【Butter Chip Bao】

时间不够用, 今天只能三言两语的贴了这个帖子。 做了好久好久好久的包子。 讲了3次证明真的是够久了! 嘻嘻。。。

很香很香很香的奶油豆, 将它作为包子的馅料,  出乎意料的受欢迎!

奶油豆核桃包, 包皮食谱参考这里

1 茶匙即溶酵母
1 茶匙泡打粉

【馅料】 奶油豆, 烤香核桃

1.  将所有皮料混合均匀, 搓成光滑的面团, 盖上湿布休面, 发酵至双倍大。
2.  分割成12份, 搓圆擀成中心厚, 外围薄的圆皮, 包入约2大匙的奶油豆, 1或2粒核桃, 收紧收口。
3. 放在蒸盘上, 待发约15-20分钟至按下后面有弹性。
4.  待水滚后, 放入蒸笼里, 以大火蒸约15分钟即可。  (放置2 分钟后才开盖)

Butter Chips walnut bao

250g hongkong flour
1 tsp instant yeast
30g castor sugar
130g fresh milk
15g corn flour
1 tsp baking powder

Butter chips and walnut (roasted)

1.  Mix all the skin ingredients,  knead into a smooth and elastic dough and let it rise until double in size. (above 40 minutes).
2.  Divide the dough into 12 portions, to shaft a round shape and wrap in 2 tbsp butter chips and roasted walnut,  seal up.
3.  Place it onto well organized steamer for fermenting 15 minutes.
4.  Moving into boiled steamer and steam it for 15 minutes with high heat.  Let it stay for 2minutes before open the steamer.

Thursday 17 November 2016

香烤木薯椰丝卷 【Baked Cassava Coconut Roll】

闲来无事和妈妈谈起木薯,望着妈妈滔滔不绝的言谈过去, 回顾着那些年以木薯解决三餐的日子。那一年,当厨房里的米缸里空了, 木薯就成了家里重要的主粮, 也成了家人的救星主。  对妈妈而言, 木薯就是穷苦人家的美食。 一截截的木薯, 唤回了妈妈无数的回忆, 想必每次嘴里吃着木薯糕, 前尘往事也随着浮上心头吧!

乡间人总爱在住家后院里种木薯, 也许是因为木薯容易栽种吧! 只需将未干枯的木薯杆砍成几截, 横着埋在泥土里便大功告成了。  管它是暴风骤雨, 还是风吹日晒, 它都会坚强的活下来。  乡间人喜欢种黄色木薯, 相较之下,这黄木薯比白木薯好吃多了。

小时候,常看到妈妈将木薯刨成丝, 然后晒干成为鸡和鸭的饲料。  记忆里, 这木薯有着红色的外皮, 咋问之下, 原来这叫红木薯,一般都是供给家禽食用。木薯的种类真多啊, 就两样黄白木薯, 我都分不清楚了, 嘻嘻!


3片班兰叶 (剪成2cm长)
1/2大匙粟粉+ 1tbsp 清水

将椰糖, 黑糖蜜,班兰叶和清水混合煮至溶解, 加入椰丝并以小火炒至香浓略干。  然后加入芡水翻炒均匀即可。 

100克黄糖 (糖的甜度刚刚好哦, 若喜欢更甜尚可略加20至30克吧)

1.  预先将香蕉叶清洗干净, 剪成适合的长与宽度,并以热水烫过, 备用。(蕉叶的尺量, 我忘了量哦)
2.  将木薯泥稍微的挤出一些水份,不好挤得太干哦。
3.  把所有的材料混合, 足分的搅拌均匀, 备用。
4.  取一张剪好的蕉叶, 舀入适量的木薯混合物, 放在蕉叶上, 铺平如以下的图片。
5.  然后取2大匙炒香椰丝馅, 放置在铺平的木薯上, 再慢慢的卷起香蕉叶,并以订书机订好两边或以牙签插好。
6.  将木薯卷排在烤盘上, 送入预热烤箱里, 以160度烘烤18-20分钟至熟即可。  (烤箱的温度只共参考哦)

【Baked Cassava Coconut Roll】

【Coconut Filling】
200g shredded coconut
95g gula melaka, chopped
2 tbsp natural molasses sugar
65g water
3 pieces pandan leaves (cut into 2cm)
1/2 tbsp corn flour+1 tbsp water 

**  Mix gula melaka, molasses sugar, pandan leaves and water in a pot, bring it to boil until sugar dissolved.  Add sheredded coconut and stir fry until the mixture slightly dry.  Lastly thicken with starch solution, stir well and set aside.  (remove the pandan leaves)

【Cassava Ingredients
520g well drained grated yellow cassava
100g brown sugar
90g coconut milk
1 egg yolk
50g melted unsalted butter
banana leaves

1.  Wash the banana leaves, cut into suitable length and width, scalded.  
2.  Squeeze out some juice from grated cassava, and mix all the ingredients until it is combined.
3.  In a piece of banana leave, place some cassava mixture, flatten it as shown in the picture below.
4.  Place 2 tbsp coconut filling on cassava mixture, slowly roll up the banana leave, and secure both ends by stapling using a stapler or toothpicks.
5.  Bake in preheated oven at 160c for 18-20 minutes until the leave are slightly bumt or cooked.  

好啦, 说完了木薯的故事, 现在来说说这木薯卷吧! 木薯糕是我的最爱了,不管是煎的蒸的还是卷的,我统统都爱, 就是喜欢它的香气。  这回啊贪玩, 取出妈妈稍来的木薯泥解冻, 然后搞搞新花样。 将木薯泥以蕉叶卷上椰丝, 吃起来别有一般风味! 裹上椰蓉的木薯糕, 魅力无边, 香气更是不用我说了!

Wednesday 9 November 2016

四重巧克力芝士蛋糕 【Triple Chocolate Cheesecake】

做给自己“牛一”的生日蛋糕。  小丫头说很可怜, 套上丫头的一句话“自己生日还要自己做蛋糕”, 还是去外头买一粒吧!想想还是免了罢, 外头卖的蛋糕并非便宜哦, 能省就省吧!通货膨胀啊!

选了这个免烤简易的蛋糕, 做过好多回合了, 却未曾在这分享过。  

以上的蛋糕, 我也记不起这是第几次做的。  这蛋糕也是家里的“常客”,更是他的最爱。  


40克无盐奶油 (融化), 55克无盐奶油 (融化)

350克乳酪奶油, 470克乳酪奶油
80克细糖, 100克细糖
100克酸奶, 145克酸奶
85克淡奶, 100克淡奶(原食谱用的是淡奶油)
8.2克吉利丁粉+3大匙清水, 11克吉利丁粉+4大匙清水
60克白巧克力, 80克白巧克力
60克牛奶巧克力, 80克牛奶巧克力 
50克奥利奥饼干碎, 65克奥利奥饼干碎

70克黑巧克力, 95克黑巧克力
60克动物性鲜奶油, 80克动物性鲜奶油
10克奶油, 12克奶油 

【装饰】  烤香杏仁片

1.  将奥利奥饼干碎和融化奶油放入大碗里, 混合均匀并紧压在6寸圆型活底模里, 然后放入冰箱里冷藏备用。
2.  把3大匙清水倒入吉利丁粉里, 隔水加热至吉利丁粉溶化。备用。  
3.  把细糖加入软化乳酪奶油里, 以搅拌机搅打至顺滑状。  加入淡奶油和酸奶搅拌均匀,加入溶化吉利丁, 搅拌均匀, 平分成2份。
4.  分别将3种巧克力切碎, 隔水加热搅拌至巧克力完全融化。  
5.  然后, 分别将融化牛奶巧克力酱和白巧克力倒入乳酪蛋糕糊里,拌匀。  然后再把奥利奥饼碎加入牛奶巧克力里, 拌匀。
6.  取出冷藏好的奥利奥饼底蛋糕模, 倒入白巧克力乳酪蛋糕糊, 铺平。  放入冰箱里冷藏20分钟至蛋糕稳定凝固。
7.  从冰箱里取出蛋糕模, 倒入牛奶巧克力乳酪糊, 铺平后放入冰箱里冷藏20分钟至蛋糕稳定或凝固。
8.  在等待蛋糕的稳固时, 将黑巧克力切碎, 加入奶油, 倒入鲜奶油, 隔水加热并不断搅拌至巧克力完全融化。
9.  将温热的巧克力酱倒入乳酪蛋糕上, 静待几分钟至巧克力酱变得平整。
10.  将蛋糕模放入冰箱里, 冷藏4个小时以上。  取出, 脱模即可享用。 (脱模时, 以热毛巾围绕着蛋糕模, 即可脱模)

** 以上以蓝色字体的是用8寸圆模而黑色字体的则是以6寸模子。 
 食谱参考you tube, 稍微更改了一些。

【Triple Chocolate Cheesecake】

【Oreo Cookies Base】
105g oreo cookies crushed,150g oreo cookies crushed
40g unsalted butter (melted), 55g unsalted butter (melted)

【Cream Cheese Layer】
350g cream cheese (soften), 470g cream cheese (soften)
80g castor sugar, 100g castor sugar
100g yogurt,  145g yogurt
85g whipping cream,  100g whipping cream (i used evaporated milk)
8.2g gelantin powder + 3 tbsp water,  11g gelantin powder+ 4 tbsp water
60g white chocolate, 80g white chocolate 
60g milk chocolate,  80g milk chocolated 
50g oreo cookies crushed, 65g oreo cookies (crushed)

【Chocolate layer】
70g dark chocolate, 95g dark chocolate
60g UHT whipping cream, 80g UHT whipping cream
10g butter, 12g butter 

ToppingRoasted Almond slices

1.  Place oreo crushed cookies and melted butter together in a mixing bowl, and mix well.  Press firmly onto botton of 6-inch loose bottompan and place the pan in the fridge for later use.
2.   In a small bowl, dissolve gelatin powder with 3 tbsp water in low heat by by using the double boiled method.  Stir the mixture until it fully dissolved.  Let it cool slighly, then pour it and set it aside.
3.  Cream chream cheese and sugar till creamy and smooth.   Add evaporated milk and yogurt,  and mix until incorporated.  Then add in melted gelatin, mix well and divide the mixture into 2 portions. 
4.  Chopped 3 types of chocolate separately, and place it in a separate bowl that can be placed over a small saucepan of simmering water.  Gently melt the chocolate over water simmering in a saucepan until melted and smooth.  
5.  Pour the melted milk chocolate and white chocolate into the cheesecake mixture respetively, mix well.  Then, add crushed oreo into milk chocolate cheesecake mixture and mix until incorporated. 
6.  Pour the white chocolate cream cheese mixture over prepared oreo crust and spread evenly.  Place the pan in the fridge for 20 minutes until it firm.
7.  Take the cheesecake out from the fridge, and pour the milk chocolate cream cheese on top of white chocolate cream cheese and spread evenly.  Place the pan in the fridge for 20 minutes until it firm.  
8.  While waiting the cake to firm, chopped the dark chocolate and butter.  Place it in a bowl that can be placed over a small saucepan of simmring water.  Then, add in whipping cream, gently melt the chocolate over water simmering in a saucepan until melted and smooth. Let it cool slightly.  
9.   Take the cheesecake out from the fridge, and pour the chocolate mixture across the top of the cake.  Spread evenly.  
10.  Place the cake pan into the fridge for 4 hours.  (you may use the hot tower to heat the sides of the pan to make it easier to remove)

The blue font is for 8-inch loose bottom round mould and black font is for 6-inch loose bottom mould.

一大包的杏仁片, 终于成功的将它消灭了!

Friday 4 November 2016

水粿/菜圃碗仔糕 II【Chwee Kueh II】

被催了好久, 也拖了好久才动手而做的碗仔糕,不喜欢那被“追逐”的感受,终于交差了! 储存了好几个月的照片,懒呀懒的。。拖呀拖的, 这碗仔糕总算落幕了! 谢谢当白老鼠的您们, 有者说糕点稍微软了些, 而也有者却反驳的说恰好。我想, 随人而意吧! 



** 460毫升沸水 (后加入)


** 80克椰糖+2大匙清水 (混合煮融)

1.  将所有粉类混合, 加入粟油, 盐以及175克的清水, 不停搅拌至光滑无颗粒。
2.  将沸水加入, 搅匀过滤。
3.  将面糊倒入预先涂油以及蒸热的小碗里,以中火蒸15分钟至熟。
4.  待冷却后才将碗仔糕倒扣取出。

1.  烧热2大匙热油, 爆香蒜末, 加入菜圃碎炒至香浓。
2.  加入糖, 盐以及黑酱油, 翻炒均匀, 试味即可盛起。
3.  另取一小锅, 将椰糖加清水煮椰糖至完全溶解, 备用。4.  将菜圃放在水粿上, 淋上椰糖酱, 再配上参巴虾米即可享用。

【 参巴虾米配料】
50克虾米 (浸水15分钟)

1支香茅(取白色部分, 磨碎/切碎)

1茶匙盐, 1茶匙糖, 1粒酸柑汁  

1.  烧热4大匙油, 爆香蒜末, 葱碎, 香茅和黄姜蓉。  然后加入辣椒酱炒至均匀至出油, 加入虾米炒至香浓。2.  加入调味料及清水, 翻炒均匀, 试味即可。

吃剩了几个, 放入蒸炉温热几分钟, 一样好吃! 

【 Chwee Kueh】

110g rice flour
25g wheat flour
15g tapioca flour
1 tbsp corn oil
175ml water

**  460ml hot water 

[Preserved turnip ingredients]
170g preserved turnip
3 tbsp minced garlic
1 tsp sugar
1 tsp salt
few drop of dark soya sauce
2 tbsp cooking oil

** 80g palm sugar, 1 tbsp water (cook until palm sugar is fully dissolved)

Method (Rice pudding):
1. Combine all the flour, add in oil, and 175ml water, mix well .
2. Pour in hot water and stir well,  strain the mixture. 
3. Arrange the small cups and brush with some oil and steam for 5 minutes.
4.Pour the batter into small cups, steam over medium heat for 15 minutes.
5. Remove the rice pudding when it is cool completely.

Method (Preserved Turnip):
1. Heat up 2 tbsp oil in a pot, stir fry garlic until fragrant.  Add in preserved turnip and stir-fry evenly.
2. Add sugar, salt and dark soya sauce, stir well. 
3. Place with preserved turnip, sambal and palm sugar onto steamed rice pudding, serve. 

【Sambal Shrimp】
A: 50g dried shrimp (soak for 15 minutes )

5 tbsp chooped garlic
50g shallots (chopped)
1 stalk lemongrass (chopped)
1 tbsp turmeric (chopped)
5 tbsp chili sauce

 1 tbsp sugar, 1 tsp salt and juice from 1 lime

1.  Heat up 2 tbsp oil and stir fry ingredients B until fragrant,   add dried shrimp and stir-fly until fragrant. 
2.  Add in seasoning and 2 tbsp water, mix well. serve
