Friday 29 April 2016

霸王花炖鸡汤 【King Spent Chicken Soup】

霸王花又名剑花, 也被认为是世界最大的花。 霸王花的营养价值很高,具有丰富的药用功效。霸王花亦可辅助治疗脑动脉硬化, 心血管疾病, 肺结核等有明显疗效以及滋补养颜的功能。  

难得一见霸王花的踪迹, 立即买了一些用来煲汤。  霸王花煲汤后其味清香, 也具有清心润肺, 清暑解热, 除痰止咳的作用, 多喝也无妨。 家人是靓汤一族的嗜好者,这煲清补汤料的霸王花汤深受他们所爱。 

寂寞的午后,  一碗靓汤即成了我一个人的午餐。


500克甘榜鸡 (切块)
4瓣霸王花菜干/剑花 (26克)

1.  将鸡肉块以滚水烫烧以去除腥味, 捞起洗净。
2.  将霸王花清洗, 浸泡水里15分钟。 
3.  将所有材料放入汤锅里,以大火煲至沸滚后, 转以小火隔水炖1小时10分钟即可, 加入适量盐巴调味即可

【King Spent  Chicken Soup】

500g kampung chicken (cut into pieces)
4 Night blooming cereus/ Dry King Spent (26g)
26g Yu Zhu (Polygonatum)
20 red dates
11g Huai Shan
2 tbsp chinese wolfberry
5 pieces He Shou-Wu
1.5 litres water

1.  Blanch chicken in boiling water for a while.  Dish up and clean.
2.  Wash and soaked King Spent for 15 minutes.
3.  Put all ingredients into a spot and bring to boil at high heat.  Then, transfer to double-boil  at low heat for 70 minutes.  Add salt to taste. 

Tuesday 26 April 2016

紫薯红龟糕~南瓜馅 【Purple Sweet Potato Angku Kuih with Pumpkin Filling】

这是一道半年前的旧作。  坏心眼作怪,借了好姐妹的“龟脚印”模子, 敲了一次后就懒得不想动了。  而作品也存入于”货舱“里数月, 就是不知何故拖泥带水至今。      



内馅:  南瓜馅 

1.  将所有糕皮材料混合拌匀,加入粟油, 再慢慢的加入热水搓成团。 
2)将面团平分成每克15克, 包入馅料12克, 封口搓圆。 
3)放入已撒上糯米粉的龟模型里, 轻轻压平, 扣出,并将龟糕放在备好涂油的香蕉叶上。 
4)放入预蒸滚的蒸笼里, 以中火蒸约2分钟,掀盖片刻,盖上再继续蒸约3分钟即可。

【Purple Sweet Potato Angku Kuih

Skin Ingredients:
90g mashed purple sweet potato
1 tbsp castor sugar
125g glutinous rice flour
1 tbsp corn oil
100g hot water (Depends on the humidity of mashed potato,then slowly add in hot water)

Filling  Pumpkin paste

1.  In a bowl, mix all the skin ingredients till combined (except the hot water).  Then, gently add in boiling water, mix to form a dough and knead the dough until smooth.
2.  Divide the dough into 15g each, shape into a balls. Then flatten it, wrap in pumpkin filling (12g each) and wrap well to enclose.
3.  Dust the mould with flour, place the dough and press firmly.  Invert the dough on greased banana leaf.
4.  Arrange kuih on a steaming tray, steam over hot boiling water over medium heat for 2 minutes.  Lift the lid for a while, then close the lid and continue to steam for another 3 minutes until it cooked.
5.  Remove from heat, greased at one and serve. 

Friday 22 April 2016

海味炖鸡汤【Chicken Soup with Dried Seafood】

海味又称干海产, 是指经干燥脱水处理的海产类食品, 为中国沿海地区的食品。昔日的渔民, 由于船上没有冷冻设备, 才将他们的捕获得鱼晒干, 即成咸鱼。  后来, 渐渐的才推广至贝类以及其他海产, 即成海味。  平日最常见的海味包括咸鱼, 虾米, 江鱼仔, 干贝, 以及干鱿鱼等等。 

冰箱里剩余了一些零零碎碎的海味产品, 就将它变成了一锅丰富, 鲜味十足的海味鸡汤。在鸡汤中添加了一些鱼鳔, 让鸡汤更加香浓了。 有了这碗鸡汤, 就不会再想其他的菜肴了


30克花胶 (浸泡1小时)
8粒干响螺(洗净, 浸泡至少6小时)
4朵花菇(洗净, 浸泡隔夜, 切半)

1.  将鸡肉以滚水烫烧除味, 捞起洗净。
2.  将响螺, 鱼鳔, 花菇放入锅中, 加入清水,以大火煲至沸滚。然后, 转以小火隔水炖90分钟。
3.  加入鸡肉块以及花胶, 再以小火炖45分钟。加入小干贝,继续以小火炖至30分钟即可。 (亦可加入适量盐巴调味)

【Chicken Soup with Dried Seafood

600g kampung chicken (cut into pieces)
50 small dried scallop(soaked for 30 minutes)
30g dried fish maw (soaked fo 1 hour)
8 dried conch (rinsed, soaked for at least 6 hours)
55g deed-fried fish maw
4 dried mushroom (soaked overnight, cut half)
1.5 litres water

1.  Blanch chicken in boiling water for a while.  Dish up and clean.
2.  Place dried conch, fried fish maw, mushroom into a stewed pot and bring it to boil at high heat.  Then, transfer to double- boil for 90 minutes over low heat. 
3.  Add in chicken, dried fish maw and carry on to boil for 45 minutes.  Add in small scallop, continue to boil at low heat for 30 minutes.  Add salt to taste.

Monday 18 April 2016

墨西哥咖啡面包【Mexican Coffee Bun 】

时光飞逝,相隔了3年,再度贴上墨西哥面包的帖子。  依稀记得去年, 经不住孩子们的苦苦要求, 也重温了这个”"ROTIBOY"的食谱。说起这面包, 不管是上到哪儿, 走到哪儿,  只要是被那几个瓜看到“RotiBoy"的店铺, 都必须买下6个(6个较划算嘛)。  然后就会边啃边说,”娘啊娘。。。你很久很久没做RotiBoy了哦!”  

偶尔啊, 当人懒了下来时,像这类步骤多多,揉了面团还要搅拌面糊的,只能等待好时机才能动手!

【墨西哥咖啡面包, 可做19个】

165克奶油, 100克黄糖, 3粒鸡蛋(52克连壳 x 3粒), 2大匙咖啡粉+1大匙热水(调匀), 150克蛋糕粉

1.  将奶油和黄糖搅打至松发乳白, 逐粒加入鸡蛋搅拌至均匀。
2.  拌入咖啡酱和面粉, 搅拌均匀。  将面糊装入挤花袋中, 放入冰箱里冷藏备用。

面包食谱和做法, 参考汤种~北海道牛奶面包
** 将面团平割成19份(每份55克),揉圆, 休面10分钟。  
** 擀成圆形, 包入10克的奶油(必须捏紧封口,否则奶油在烘烤时容易泄出),  盖上湿布, 进行发酵40分钟至双倍大。  
**  将面糊从冰箱里取出, 顺着圆圈挤在面团上(不必挤完整粒, 挤满表面即可)。
** 放入预热烤箱以180度烘烤25分钟即可。  

【Mexican Coffee Bun, yields 19 bun

[Coffee Topping]
165g butter, 100g brown sugar, 3 eggs (with shell 52g each), 
2 tbsp coffee powder + 1 tbsp hot water (mixed), 150g cake flour

1.  Cream butter and brown sugar until mixture is light and fluffy.  Gradually beat in eggs and mix well.
2.  Mix in coffee flavoring, and sift flour onto mixture and mix until combined.  Scoop mixture into piping bag and refrigerate the mixture for later use. 

Bun recipe and method, please refer to Tangzhong~ Hokkaido Milk Bun
** When the dough is ready to use, divide the dough into 19 portion equally (55g each).  Roll each portion into a ball and cover with wet cloth, let it rest for 10 minutes.
**  Flatten a ball of dough,  place a 10g cube of butter into center and wrap it (must thoroughly pinch and seal closely, otherwise butter will easily spill during baking),  cover with wet cloth and let it proof for 40 minutes or until doubled in size. 
**  Remove the topping mixture from the fridge, and pipe the topping in a spiral pattern on the buns.  (Just pipe to cover the surface ).  
**  Place it in preheated oven at 180C for 25 minutes.  

Thursday 14 April 2016

麦片虾【Cereal Prawns】

随着人们健康意识的提高, 燕麦片也成了许多人早餐的一部分。  每个早晨, 我呀也总是喜欢冲一杯燕麦片+美禄或是麦片+牛奶之类的热饮品,另加一个白面包, 简简单单的早餐。

话说回来, 这道麦片虾煮过好多次了,至今才发现从它没在此”露过面“。 也曾依照原谱般的将虾子“剥光光”来煮这道佳肴,这样吃起来即简单又快。但我却也蛮喜欢像这样带壳的煮法, 可以慢慢的舔着那虾壳, 然后再慢慢的为它去除外衣, 然后再一口口的咬着它! 当然,像 这样举止粗俗的吃像, 只能在家里咯, 呵呵。。。 

我个人是非常喜欢这道加入坚果, 以及白芝麻的麦片虾,就如吳秉承师傅所言, 添加了不少的香气。  

13只大虾(剥背去肠泥, 洗净)
30克麦片, 50克杏仁片, 10克白芝麻, 30克蒜末, 2条指天椒(切粒), 10克香菜

1茶匙黑胡椒粉, 1茶匙盐

1大匙绍兴酒, 少许盐, 适量白胡椒粉
1茶匙粟粉, 1大匙麻油 (后加)

1.  将麦片, 杏仁片, 白芝麻倒入锅中, 以小火干炒至香浓酥脆或熟,盛起备用。  
2.  将虾子和绍兴酒, 盐, 白胡椒粉拌匀,最后拌入麻油和粟粉, 备用。
3.  热炸油, 放入虾子炸至8分熟, 盛起沥干油份。  
4.  热2大匙油, 将蒜末放入爆炒成蒜酥, 盛起备用, 锅中留蒜油。  
5.  将放入虾子炒至香浓或熟, 再加入步骤(1)的麦片混合物, 指天椒, 蒜酥拌炒至香浓出味。
6.  加入盐, 黑胡椒粉拌匀, 并拌入香菜即可盛起。  

 【Cereal Prawns

13 large prawns(Deveined and rinsed)
30g cereal or plain oats, 50g almond flakes,10g white sesame, 30g choped garlic
2 chili padi (sliced), 10 g parsley

1 tsp black pepper, 1 tsp salt

Marinade for prawn
1 tbsp shaoxing rice wine, a pinch of salt, a dash of white pepper,
1 tsp corn flour, 1 tbsp sesame oil 

1.  Place cereal, almonds, sesame seeds into the pot over low heat, stir-fry until fragrant and crispy.  Dish up and set aside.
2.    Marinade prawns with shaoxing rice wine, salt and white pepper, mix well.  Mix in sesame oil and corn flour, set aside.
3.  Heat oil in a deep pot, deep fry the prawns until 80% cooked or golden brown .  Remove and drain on paper towel.
4.  Heat 2 tbsp oil, saute chopped garlic until crispy, dish up and leave the garlic oil in the pot.
5.  Add in prawns, stir-fry until fragrant, coat with cereal mixture, chili padi and crispy garlic evenly.  
6.  Add in salt, black pepper to taste and last mix in parsley.  Dish up and serve.

Tuesday 12 April 2016

再战~巧克力软焦糖【Chocolate Soft Caramel Candy】

爱上了这款奶味香浓的焦糖, 所有再接再厉的又熬煮了一次。  有了第一次的经验,在熬煮糖浆的过程中也得心应手了。  但却手多多加入了巧克力, 手指又刚被割伤, 因而显得难以包裹,最后搞得巧克力和焦糖都混在一块了! 希望收礼的人不嫌弃啊! 


1杯奶油 225克)
1Pauls thickened cream Heavy whipping225克)

焦糖浆的食谱, 请参考这里


**放入微波炉加热40秒, 搅拌至融化。 待稍微冷却后,倒在凝固的焦糖上, 放入冰箱里冷藏后, 才取出切成自己喜爱的形状, 并于漂亮的糖纸包装。 放入冰箱里保保存。

**这回以10 x 10方形模。  

【Chocoalte Soft Caramel Candy】

1cup butter 225g
2 cup sugar400g
1 cup fresh milk225g
1 cup Pauls thickened cream Heavy whipping225g
1 cup ligh corn syrup320g
1 tbsp vanilla essence
170g brown sugar

【For Caramel recipe, please refer here

200g dark chocolate button
18g butter

** In small microwavable bowl, microwave chocolate button and butter for 40 seconds, stirring until chocolate is melted.  Spread chocolate evenly over caramel layer and refrigerate about 30 minutes or until chocolate is set.

** Then, use a sharp knife to cut into your desired shape.  Wrap each caramel in plastic wrap or wax paper and store refrigerated.

(** using 10 x 10 square pan)